Toilet Memoirs Pg 4

I guess a lot of time had passed, because I didn’t even notice how it had turned a lot darker than before. The car pulled into a smaller road that had no asphalt on it. I felt excited – a feeling I haven’t felt in a long time, “Where are we going?”
“We’ll stay in this house for the night,” she didn’t even raise her eyes, “We’ll go further tomorrow morning.” I looked past her to see where the road lead. Dirt, trees and skies. That was all I could see.
“Where are we going tomorrow?”
“To a better place.”
“That’s what they said to the Jews when they sent then to concentration camps, you know,” I said wondering if there could be a worse place than the white cell. Still felt nice to hear that. It felt nice to hear ANYTHING besides the humming of the lamp I had outside my cell when it was on and the occasional steps.
“But you’re not a Jew.” I think she smiled, but I couldn’t see it.
“No… I’m not…” I looked to the sides, hoping I might catch a glimpse of an animal. I needed to see something different. The repetition started to drive me insane again.

It was pretty dark when the car entered a court of some sort. There was a simple house. I couldn’t tell if it was abandoned or not. The windows were dark. The woman got out of the car. I struggled with the knob until she opened the door for me.
“Can you walk?” Mircea got down on her knees and I noticed a pair of boots in her arms. She started putting them on me.
“I can certainly try,” When she was done, I grabbed the car door and pulled myself up. I could stand.
“Good. You need to exercise to get your muscles to work again.” She took the bottle and helped me to walk to the house. The heavy boots certainly weren’t helping in making my walking easier.
Mircea opened the door – surprisingly it wasn’t closed – and we entered.
“Wait here, I’ll see if I can get some light.” I lost her sturdy arm and wobbled for a moment. Leaned against the wall. I could hear her touching the walls for a switch, then something clacked, “Damn.” she went out. I felt abandoned for a second and slowly collapsed until I found myself sitting on the floor. The woman soon returned with a flashlight.
“You OK?” She flashed it on me. It nearly blinded me.
“Yeah..” I uttered. The light traveled to the wooden floor, then to a different room.
Steps and rattling. Clacking and swearing. She went out again. This time her steps moved behind the house. Silence.
I gave out a sob. I didn’t feel bad or anything. It just seemed… appropriate. A humming sound. I imagined her finding a generator and making it work. Steps. Flash in my eyes. This time I held them closed. A clack. White light. Opened my eyes, the lobby was now filled with dim yellow light. I struggled myself up as she turned off the flashlight and looked at me.
“Come, let’s find a bed or something,” she went into the room to the right. I hesitated, I didn’t want to mention the feeling I had when I heard the word “bed”. Couldn’t even think of sleeping now. I slithered into the room. A couch, table, few chairs. Mircea was bending over the little furnace. Hadn’t even noticed that I had goosebumps all over my numb body. It must’ve been pretty cold. I was only wearing the hospital clothing plus the coat and boots that my savior gave me.
“Why are you doing this?” Mircea froze for a moment and turned against me.
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t think this is the way how you transport people to a different madhouse, so I’m pretty sure that you just saved me from rotting away in that cube.” the redhead turned back to the furnace and somehow got the fire burning.
“Let’s get you dressed up or you’ll freeze to death.” She dashed past me before I knew it and was back with a bag. The woman started pulling out clothing and laying it on the couch. I kept starting at her waiting for a reply, when I realized that the clothing that she’d put out was my own. I went to the couch and stared down at it.
“Who are you?” I felt amazed. The woman finished putting out my clothing and zipped the bag close.
“Get some sleep, We’re heaving out at sunrise,” were the last words I heard before she disappeared in the door. I pondered on following her, demanding answers, but I was still too numb to care. For now.

6 Responses to “Toilet Memoirs Pg 4”

  1. Jaladin The Raspberry Jamster Says:

    Ja godīgi es parasti nelasu visādus hobijrakstus un fanfikus, vismaz ne vairāk par pirmo rindkopu or so.

    Tev ir vairākas vārdu kļūdas un dažviet varēja labākus vārdus izvēlēties, kā arī prasās mazliet vairāk detaļu aprakstos.

    Beeeeeet! Vau, atvaino, ka sāku ar negatīvo, bet īstenībā man ļoti patika. Jutos diezgan ievilkts, tikko kā sāku lasīt nespēju atrauties. Tev tiešām izdodas rakstīt viegli plūstošu prozu kā arī radīt pietiekami daudz mistērijas, lai es vēlētos vēl un vēl 😀 You’ve got what it takes, all you need a little polish and we can publish you 😀

    And I’m not saying this to get you out on a date <_<

    • lulz, par pirmo teikumu jau galā jautāju ‘so how come you DID read it?’ 😀
      yeah.. man par tiem aprakstiem ir teikts… I can’t help it, really… there’s no more to add >_> vari pateikt, kur prasās detalizētāku aprakstu? Vismaz man būs k-kāda ideja par to, ko es nepastāstu..
      Khah.. I just had A LOT of spare time as a kid 😀
      “…we can publish you..” ?? Tu strādā izdevniecībā? 😀 Or you’re planning to make one?
      I lol’d @ the last sentence 😀 but hopefully so 😀

  2. Jaladin The Raspberry Jamster Says:

    Tikai nesaki, ka šim nav plānota turpinājuma! O.O

    Par tiem aprakstiem var dažādi pieiet. Piemēram, varēji aprakstīt kāds ir tas auto, kurā viņa iekāpa. Nav obligāti jāzina marka vai kas tāds, bet var pietikt ar krāsu vai kādu piebildīti no protagonistes. Arī par dzērienu varēja kaut ko pieminēt. Pagalma sīku aprakstu, vai bija kādi koki dzīvžogi utt. Kad viņi ieiet mājā man kaut kāpēc uzreiz prasās uzzināt kādas tur ir tapetes 😀 No otras puses protagoniste var jau būt ir pārāk apjukusi, lai to pienācīgi novērotu, ja tā, tad tomēr to derētu uzsvērt.

    Kad man būs, tad noteikti Tu būsi pirmā, ko publicēšu 😉

    So… um, what do I do to get you out on a date? ^_~

    • Es vēl nezinu.. nedaudz parakstīju, tagad jāedito jau sapostotais… I make up as I go.
      ok, ok.. got it.. *goes revising*
      turēšu pie vārda 😀
      it’s not happening. 😐

  3. Jaladin The Raspberry Jamster Says:

    Dod ziņu, kad ir jauns materiāls.

    … curses


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